Invoicing API for Fintechs and Small Business Platforms

Elevate your product offering with an embedded, powerful white-labeled Invoicing API that automates your customers' invoicing process, automating the creation, dispatch, tracking, payments, and reconciliation of invoices in real time.


An Invoicing API is ideal for fintech apps, banking platforms, and vertical SaaS providers seeking to enhance their services for small businesses and small business owners.

By integrating an Invoicing API, you can focus on capturing the payments revenue opportunity while eliminating the need to develop robust invoicing infrastructure in-house. Leveraging a proven, reliable, and robust Invoicing API will drastically speed up your time to market and greatly enhance your customer experience while saving significant development time.

Our invoices API enables you to launch advanced invoicing solutions in days or weeks instead of months or years. Your customers will be delighted with its ease of use, comprehensiveness, and customizability from the outset, while your company will benefit from the revenue opportunity that payments present.

Embrace the revolution in financial management with our Invoicing API today.



The benefits of an Invoicing API

With our Invoicing API, your business can save on development time and costs and launch your invoicing solutions in days or weeks compared to developing your own. 

Here are 7 benefits your business can experience by utilizing an Invoicing API.

  1. Speed to Market: Proven, comprehensive solutions can be white-labeled and embedded within weeks, empowering your company to launch more quickly, freeing up time and resources that can be focused on core business activities.
  2. Decreased Support: Hurdlr’s Invoicing UX has been iterated with thousands of businesses and is proven to be robust/mature, minimizing the amount of support your customers will require.
  3. Increased Customer Retention: Real-time tracking of invoices helps improve customer cash flow.
  4. Enhanced Customer Experience: For fintech and vertical SaaS companies, it provides a complete solution to customers, enhancing their experience and customer satisfaction.
  5. Revenue Opportunity: Unlock a new revenue stream with built-in payment processing.
  6. Decreased Development Resources: Rely on our proven invoicing API so your developers can focus on your other value props instead of chasing down invoicing edge cases.
  7. Flexibility to Choose your own Payments Processor: Other Invoicing APIs like Stripe and Square require you to use their payment processing, which can be expensive. Hurdlr’s Invoicing API allows you to choose your own provider and negotiate your terms directly with them.

Features of an Invoicing API

Our Invoicing API comes with the following features for your customers:

  1. Automated Invoice Generation: Ability to automatically generate invoices based on predefined rules and triggers, including scheduling future and recurring invoices.
  2. Real-Time Tracking: Provides real-time updates on invoice status, last viewed dates, and payments.
  3. Integration Capabilities: Can be seamlessly integrated with other business systems like appointment scheduling, contracting, CRM, ERP, accounting software, etc.
  4. Customization: Allows customization of invoice templates, colors, and logos; payment terms; reminder schedule; and other aspects to fit specific business needs.
  5. Presentment: Allow your customers to draft invoices, preview them, and send to their clients as quotes.
  6. Payment Processing: Your customers can easily accept credit card and ACH payments; card/bank-account on file supported for auto-charging.
  7. Security: Complies with financial and data security standards to protect sensitive invoice information. Your company will never need to store credit card or bank account data.
  8. Reminders and Notifications: Your customers can send automatic payment reminders to their clients and receive invoice-viewed/payment-received notifications.
  9. Reimbursable Expenses: Using a linked card, your customers can create line items for expenses they want to get reimbursed for without any manual entry.
  10. Payment Reconciliation: Bank deposits are automatically matched up with your customers’ invoices.

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Invoicing API documentation for developers

For more information about our invoices API, please visit our API documentation.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What API means?
    An Application Programming Interface, an API, is essentially a communication protocol between different software components. It's like a handbook of procedures that different software applications follow to interact with each other. APIs are integral to modern technology, enabling various software systems to share data and functionalities, resulting in sophisticated and interconnected digital solutions.
  2. What is API invoicing?
    API invoicing is the automated generation, transmission, and management of invoices using an Application Programming Interface (API). This technique enhances invoicing efficiency by using software-to-software communication, enabling swift invoice processing, reduced errors, and simplified accounts receivables management.
  3. Is API a payment gateway?
    An API (Application Programming Interface) is not a payment gateway but a tool that facilitates communication between software applications. In the context of payments, a payment gateway, which authorizes and processes transactions, uses an API to interact with other systems like merchant websites. While a payment gateway securely transmits customer data and processes transactions, the API sends the transaction information to the gateway and the response back to the website. Thus, while an API is a vital part of how a payment gateway operates, it's not a gateway itself but a tool the gateway uses to interact with other systems.
  4. What is API in payments?
    Payment APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, allow merchants to integrate various payment methods into their platforms flexibly. These APIs allow businesses to quickly scale their payment offerings and adapt to different markets by enabling or disabling specific payment methods as required. By streamlining the transaction process, payment APIs enhance customer experience, increase efficiency, and offer secure payment solutions tailored to diverse market demands.
  5. What is API billing?
    API billing pertains to charging for API (Application Programming Interface) usage based on the number of calls, data transferred, or features used. API providers typically adopt usage-based pricing models on a per transaction or subscription basis, often with minimum monthly commitments.
  6. Invoicing vs. billing?
    "Invoicing" refers to creating and sending a detailed list of goods or services provided, usually indicating a future payment. On the other hand, "billing" involves generating a statement of charges, often demanding immediate payment, and can be less detailed. Invoicing is for future payments, while billing is for immediate ones.
  7. What is API in accounting?
    In accounting, an Application Programming Interface (API) enables interaction between different software systems, automating data transfer and enhancing efficiency. For instance, an API can connect accounting software with other systems like e-commerce platforms, CRM software, or payment gateways. This helps automatically update financial records like sales, expenses, or inventory data, reduce manual data entry, enhance accuracy, and provide real-time financial insights. Essentially, API in accounting streamlines business operations and facilitates better financial management.
  8. What is API payment method?
    An API Payment Method refers to using APIs to facilitate and process payments.
  9. Will API replace EDI?
    While APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) offer real-time data exchange and seamless integration with modern applications, making them increasingly popular, it's unlikely they will completely replace EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) in the near future. EDI is deeply entrenched in industries like healthcare, logistics, and retail, where it handles standardized transactions. Transitioning fully from EDI to APIs would involve significant system changes and costs. Therefore, a hybrid approach, using both APIs and EDI, depending on the specific situation, is more probable.
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